Monday, November 18, 2013

It is intresting to read GHAMKIRI:Vishwa Subedi

Vishwa Subedi

It is interesting to read GHAMKIRI basking out in the sun. Yes, it’s a real fantasy, a safari of dreams depicting how teenagers follow dream that is tied with string like we did after ghamkiri in our childhood days, how they escape from home and seek for their ideal love and even identity without knowing how it is different from reality.The narrator gets lost in the colourful world of Bombay where he leads a very meaningless life and ultimately returns home defeated. It’s enough to turn ones nostalgic feelings on the surface.The narrator’s continued craze for his dream girl is something awesome.The most painful aspect is the picture of the slum,the poverty,dirt,crime and the precarious existence of the downtrodden mass amidst the ocean of prosperity in Bombay city.I think the reference to Yogmaya ,the historical figure in lost history doesn’t seem to have coherence in totality.The intricate pattern of weaving insignificant events into plot is Nayan Dai’s common feature. Anyway, we are benefitted with the over doze of cinematographic vocabulary in many places.

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